Daniel Roesner is a German TV and Film actor. He spent the majority of his life between California, where he studied and started a life on the water and Germany, where he built his career as an actor and producer. With a great passion for truely sustainable and circular solutions he is driven by a commitment to meaningful action. His love and respect for the ocean as a surfer, sailor and diver fuels his commitment to protecting it . The founding of Hu’chu GmbH was initiated by his successful try to build truly sustainable wood, natural fibre surfboards and show that environmentally harmful, petrochemical foams, resins and artificial fibers can be substituted, especially in especially in objects that are in touch with water. This success gave him motivation to start the Catamaran Project “Hu’chu 55” under the slogan “going to extremes” in terms of circular and true sustainable thinking.

His holistic approach encompasses environmental, social, and economic dimensions, advocating for eco-friendly practices in both business and daily life. Through education and example, he inspires others to embrace sustainability, believing that collective efforts can create a brighter, greener future and make us all understand, that earth is a circular structure where everything is connected thus our actions should be based on fitting into this incredible system.

“Fun, motivation and the desire to positively influence the world are my drivers. The respectful, inquisitive look into the past and the curious attitude towards the future are reflected in "Hu'chu", my company name, boat name and ultimately fundamental attitude towards life.” D. Roesner