The respect for the environment embodies the Hu’chu philosophy: a term coined by the initiator, who also named his natural fiber surfboard company and film production company with this name as a homage to two locations that shaped his fundamental attitude towards life. 'Hu' is the abbreviation for where he grew up, Hunsrueck in Germany, a land where the production of natural materials such as wood, flax, linen, and hemp has a long and historic tradition. 

'Chu' refers to a spot north of Malibu where he really got in touch with the ocean and discovered one of his passions: surfing. This area used to and still should belong to the Chumash Indians, a native tribe that has a strong spiritual bond with their environment and especially the ocean, a connection that resonates in "Hu'chu". The word stands for the land and its natural materials in combination with the ocean. It is also the reminder, that a lot of the answers for a truly sustainable future lay in old knowledge and tradition. It’s the respectful combination of past and future, of nature and technology, of senseful and holistic thinking and manufacturing that will make a true impact.